Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Summer Information 2015

We hope this information finds you and your students enjoying a great summer vacation! Here is a little information to help you get through the summer and know what's coming up in the fall.

Summer Office Hours:

  • Office Re-opens July 13th
  • M - Th. 7:30 - 4:00
  • Friday 7:30 - 1:00

New Student Enrollment:

Tiger Tales Before and After School Program Enrollment

Tuesday August 4th 4:00PM - 7:00PM

Who is your child's teacher?

A letter will be mailed to you on Friday July 31st from your child's teacher. If you do not receive your letter by Tuesday August 4th please call the school office 742-4639.
Class lists will NOT be posted on doors.

Meet the Teacher Night 

Tuesday August 11th 6:00-7:30

First Day of School August 13th

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

3rd and 4th Grade Survey Results

Back in February I sent an internet access survey to all 3rd and 4th grade families. After sending the
survey I realized I was not very clear in my goal for the survey. I apologize for that. However we did get some helpful/valuable information.

GOAL: To find out what kind of access students have to technology and the internet AT HOME.

67 people completed the survey. Survey was sent to 122 family email addresses.  Thank you for taking the time to give input.

Click on the link below to see survey results: (Comments not visible.)

Student Access Survey 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

Valentine's Day Grams

Valentine's Grams

On Sale February 9-11

Student Council will be selling Valentine's Day Grams in the morning before school from February 9-11.   The grams will be 25 cents each and will be delivered in time for the Valentine's Day Parties on Feb 12.  WEE loves our Valentine's Day Grams!  Forms will be coming home to help with ordering mulitple grams.  Click this link to download a order copy. V-Day Order Form #weetigers